Tips for Finding Your Target Journals December 1, 2018 When you’re in the midst of writing your or , it can seem to be an interminable process of reading,…Continue Reading→
10 Biggest Mistakes of Novice Researchers October 31, 2018 The dissertation has arrived, and it’s a scary thing. You might actually be some way into it before you realize…Continue Reading→
Myths vs. Reality: The Dissertation Writing Process October 19, 2018 We’re not going to lie to you. If you’re new to the process, dissertations can be scary. In fact, at…Continue Reading→
Decoding Feedback October 3, 2018 Many doctoral candidates who first reach out to us for or seek out our expertise at a key stage in…Continue Reading→
A Dummy vs. Genius Guide to Deadlines September 10, 2018 Ah, deadlines. Without them, procrastination wouldn’t even exist, and streaming services like Netflix and Hulu would lose millions in revenue…Continue Reading→