Stats 101: Beyond Thunderdome February 25, 2019 This is a moment we all knew would arrive, and there is no point in pretending anymore. It’s overwhelming, yes,…Continue Reading→
Doing Your Research Precisely January 31, 2019 “Never Use Wikipedia” can be found tattooed on every college professor’s syllabus. “It’s not a reliable source,” they say, arguing…Continue Reading→
Conducting Interviews: Do’s and Don’t’s January 13, 2019 Studies that use qualitative research and analysis often make use of interviews as the primary, if not sole, source of…Continue Reading→
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Methods: A Foreign Land December 21, 2018 You’re at the start of your dissertation, and the most difficult decision, it seems, is already in front of you:…Continue Reading→
Tips for Finding Your Target Journals December 1, 2018 When you’re in the midst of writing your or , it can seem to be an interminable process of reading,…Continue Reading→